Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Hetero drugs walk-in for experienced professionals in CSV on 25th May

walk-in for experienced professionals in CSV

About the company :

Company has largest API preparation firms, and it is pharma giant in generic drugs. the products include anti-retrovirals, anti diabetics, and cardio drugs and so on. 

Thers is an oncology division with this, and has numerous R&D Centers to work out.

JD :

  1. Requires a person with good knowledege in EU Eudralex volume 4 annex 11, and 21 CFR part-11
  2. thorough knowledge on HIPPA, GAMP, GDPR and life cycle concept,
  3. Experience in the validations (CSV, IQ,OQ,PQ,) Quality systems like re qualifications, non-conformance, change control
  4. Should have experience in design documentation in the areas of URS, FS DS and engg specifications.

Experience required is :

2-4 years 

Qualification : 


Interview venue : 
Hetero Corporate Office, Opp: police station, Sanathnagar, Hyderabad.

date of walk in

25th May 2019, saturday at 9.30 am

please carry updated resumes and passport photos

contact kesava pani, 040-23704923

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